Saturday, December 25, 2010


As I work my way through reading a book about each of the 43 men who have reached the pinnacle of political power by becoming President of the United States I thought it would be a good idea to write down my impressions of each of these men. They come from a variety of backgrounds, although most have been lawyers, some have been farmers and soldiers, one was a newspaper editor, one was an Engineer and one was a college professor. While most have gone to college nine of these men never attended college (only one in the 20th century did not attend college). Seven of them died in office, 4 of these were assassinated. The Presidents that died in office (except one) were all elected in a year ending in "0"; 1840, 1860, 1880, 1900, 1920, 1940 and 1960. This led to speculation about a curse put on the office by "the Prophet". Sixteen of them were elected to multiple terms (one was elected to non consecutive terms).

So, this blog will be my meager attempt to summarize the lives of each of these men, and hopefully make it interesting.


  1. If reading your blog can save me the time of reading 43 books, I am all for it! Prof. May, I'm eager for the first lesson.

  2. Really looking forward to these, thanks Tony!

    You might have to change the name of the blog soon, though... no?

  3. I have at least a couple of years before I have to change it. Hopefully by then I'm done with each President.
